Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hitler & The World

Hitler & The World

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4 Reasons for his rise to power
*The great depression Germany faced after WW1
was an advantage for political movement
*His position in government allowed him to dictate & create a group (Nazi) control over legislation
*Became president head of state after the death of former German president Hindenburg
*Munich agreement reversed treaty of Versailles this treaty ended the war between Germany & allied powers. Germany suffered from this treaty.

Which reason was the main cause for the rise of Hitler?
I believe time period, his interest & participation in politics allowed Hitler to rise. Hitler admired Germany & the people appreciated that because the country was still recovering from the damages of WW1. As soon as he gain political power he invaded Poland thinking Britain, nor France wouldn't declare war. He wanted revenge for Germany!

2 source that support my view
"Hitler spoke in a charismatic style that impressed the German people...By January 1933, Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi) party controlled Germany. Hitler became a dictator, a leader with complete control. The Nazis acted quickly against all who opposed their rule...Hitler suggested that there were easy solutions to the complex problems the German people faced in the 1920's..."

"Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power over people.   He was a good organizer and politician.   He was a driven, unstable man, who believed that he had been called by God to become dictator of Germany and rule the world.   This kept him going when other people might have given up.   His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him...Hitler's rise to power was based upon long-term factors - resentment in the German people."

Different Reason

"So how did all of this promote Hitler into becoming the Fuhrer of Germany? First of all, Hitler had very strong views on the treaty. Even though he was Austrian, he loved Germany more than anything. Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles and he often referred to the people who signed it as "November criminals" because the war had ended in November. He stirred up the German people by reminding them of parts of the treaty that they would not like and he promised that if he was elected he would refuse to abide by many terms in the treaty, such as the reparations, military restrictions, and the land which was "stolen" away from Germany. He knew that people in Germany felt bad from the depression, and so the majority of the population blamed their problems on the treaty, this caused many to turn towards Hitler, because he had been against the treaty right from the start."


Hitler admire Germany and he wanted revenge. After he served WW1 he did not like what the treaty of Versailles did to the country.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is War Inevitable?

Is War Inevitable?

2 opinions (Yes war can be Inevitable) 

Bones are used to spell out war, symbolizing only death is left after war.

Yes. First stop dehumanizing the enemy. Stop glorifying warriors. Stop the simplistic false narrative of totaling good vs. evil and that when we kill we're good but when the enemy kills they're evil.Stop imposing conditions for peace talks. Stop assuming we're rational but the enemy is not. Though we like to say war is hell and that we try to avoid war-in reality we make heroes out of warriors thereby glorifying war. All these memorials to soldiers of war lend cache to the narrative that war is a noble en-devour-if you're one of us. Perhaps we need memorials to the victims of all these wars-civilians.We need more stories of civilians deaths-and less of "heroes" accomplishments.Stop portraying terrorism as inhuman and terrorists as not worthy of any human consideration. -- Rose-Ellen Caminer

As long as humans insist on dividing themselves along religious lines and proclaiming vast theological differences -often over tiny disagreements of interpretation- they will feel the need to fight and either impose their will on others or defend against perceived incursions on their freedoms. How can we even dream of the end of war when religions fight among themselves with such violence? -- Nat Benchley

2 opinions (No war can't be inevitable)
This image portrays the spirit an american should have towards its country.

War is clearly NOT inevitable, as Paul Chappell explains in his three books. Wars benefit the few at the expense of the many; wars can be avoided by mutual understanding and a willingness to address each others' needs; wars reflect a win-lose mindset, whereas the obvious interdependence of modern life demonstrates that there is no US/THEM; we're all in it together, so we need a win/win approach. Moreover, modern wars always end with negotiated settlements. If we don't have an us vs. them mentality, we can skip the bloodshed and begin with negotiation. Since the majority of people don't benefit from war, we can become the force that advocates negotiation and rejects war. -- Leslee Goodman

War is not inevitable, it is a decision. When governments or groups push moral boundaries and suffocate people's rights and freedoms, war can become an answer to right the wrongs committed, however that does not make ear inevitable. The alternative to war is better communication and the ability to understand human rights.

My Opinion

This picture portray's "Good" as a sarcastic remark.

“It always seems impossible, until it is done.” -Nelson Mandela
"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress."  -Barack Obama

War is inevitable, I believe a conflict can be solved without violence. Talking things out is better then using aggression, and staying neutral. Switzerland is land that has yet to be in apart of a war, they maintained neutral during world war one. War is an immature action because both sides have to suffer in some kind way. Only the world can solve a Big problem if everybody contributes. With the right leaders and the right attitude we can proceed to a better world with no wars.
    The outcome of a war is nothing but wrong. War itself is wrong to begin with because the outcome of it is pride and deaths. The minds of a soldiers doesn't come back the same, families suffer from a lost loved one, sometimes people remain missing. If pride and wealth can be evenly balanced and the faith anything is possible. Little changes make a big difference.

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